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Toilet Training a Puppy


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And a little shampoo brush thing from betterware :thumbsup:


Take her/him out after every meal, and every sleep

Stay with her till she's performed.

As she performs, say 'go pee' (for later training, you can get em to pee on command...a boon when you're travelling, believe me..)

Praise like mad, when she gets it right...if you use a clicker, click and treat.

Watch for signs like circling and sniffing (also dashing about in a panic looking guilty)


You can buy some spray that 'puts them off' peeing in a certain spot, often found in a puppy 'accident' shampoo


You can also buy some spray that encourages them to pee in a certain place.

Don't bother with puppy pads... buy incontinence pads... or use newspaper over an open bin liner...heaps cheaper lol


best of luck :D

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How old is your pup??



It will take time

Praise when he gets it right

DO NOT reprimand him for accidents - this makes it worse

Take him out regularly (every hour, after food, when he wakes up, when he's been playing)


Finally - he's still a baby and even if he wants to he can't control his bladder yet, nor does he know how to ask you to take him out. It's probably as much of a shock to him as it is to you when he has an accident!


Good luck :thumbsup:

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Our puppy is now 17 weeks and is just getting the hang of house training it has taken 7 weeks. We also have a 2 year old dog so I think that has helped.


Our older dog has even taken to waking me in the night if the puppy needs to go!!!


Be patient and it will happen.

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I'd agree with all of the above, and add that crate training helps - particularly with a dog who isn't getting the hang of things at all. Dogs don't like to foul their own bedding, so sleeping in a cage discourages them from leaping out of bed and relieving themselves whilst you're not looking ;)


Make sure you have a rigid routine for feeding, as this helps to set when they will need to go out, and if they've been playing a large drink of water is usually required.... give it about 20mins/half an hour, and your pup will need to go out. If you put your pup out in anticipation, you're less likely to have 'accidents' :)

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I agree, however, my friend's pup tends to defy all the above :rolleyes: she, like Takara used to, needs taking out right in the middle of a game or she'll just break off of the game and go to the loo - watch out for this!


She also wees in her bed when she has the whole of the floor :rolleyes:

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