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Was your relative in the 1925 Starwalk?


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I was wondering do you still have the Starwalk in England? My Grandad George Moore came 2nd in 1925, he won a silver cake stand, which I have now. If anyone reads this and had a relative who was 1st that year, I'm curious to know who it was, and what their prize was etc

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  • 2 years later...

My mother was in one but not that year, and as for where she came. :rolleyes:


The police had to go out looking for her and my auntie and help them back, there was no one left in Hillsboro park but they still did the lap round the running track to finish it :D


Oh, and my apologies Joto with the delay in replying :D

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Where did you dig that up from jongo :rolleyes: them were the days when I was a newby and no one answered my threads :( although I know if you were on the forum at that time, you would have:thumbsup: like me you make newby's welcome, because we were all new once :)

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