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My Rabbit died today


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I'm feeling proper fed up now, I've just about got Jasper feeling better afetr having his teeth out, then Sunday after noon my rabbit had been in her outside hutch cos it was nice day, I came to put her away and always gave her a cuddle and what a shock noticed maggots crawling round her back end.


I was nearly sick but knew I had to get them off her, I checked on her Sunday night and couldn't see any more, and then this morning before I went to work, she just didn't seem right, anyway i gave her breakfast and had to go to work,


I came home at lunchtime and went staight to her and it was awful she was just alive with maggots, so I rushed her to the vets, and he said, he would keep her and try to get them off, but he rang me to say she died before he could do any thing,probably with shock and I am so sad, we have just buried her in the garden,but she had a lovely clean hutch inside the garden shed with a run for night time, and a beautiful outside run and I always kept her clean, so am just distraught that she colud get maggots and die so quickly.

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