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Local Area Connection


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I turned my pc off last night and disabled the internet connection as usual. This morning, i clicked to enable it and a box saying that the local area network cable is unplugged.


I don't know why its saying it, I haven't done anything that I haven't done before. All the leads and stuff are plugged in and I can still get on the network with the laptop and xbox so I don't know what's up.


I'm using a Wanadoo Livebox to connect.


Any suggestions?

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I had this happen every few days on my old PC (note to geeks in case you see it happen again, known problem with certain nForce 3 250 mobos), assuming that Livebox thing connects via network, it could be the same thing that affected me...


Try this...


Start -> Control panel


Double click Network connections.


In the box which appears, right-click "Local area connection", & choose disable. Give it a couple of seconds to disable itself, then right-click again, & choose enable.

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Nah, just a known issue with Nforce 3 250 chipsets' onboard network dropping connection when the modem/router/whatever is reset or turned off. I re-installed drivers at least 1/2 dozen times before I worked it out, seems to be most common with Shuttles.

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