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Excel Number Sequences


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I can usually find a way to do most things in Excel but this one has me stumped :(


I have a large list of computer names that need changing. The original computer names are in the following format:








They all start with ABC but I need to change the first number by adding 5 to it. Changing each entry on the worksheet individually will be a massive task as there could be as many as 1000 entries. Are there any Excel guru's out there who could show me a way to automate this process?

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The change requires that the first numeric has 5 added to it, e.g.


ABC12345 becomes ABC62345

ABC1234A becomes ABC6234A

ABC34567 becomes ABC84567


There are also gaps in the sequence of names so I can't just change the first one and drag it down the column.

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On the topic of excel spreadsheets ... I need to do two lists, one with 5 April 2005 tp 4 April 2006, down the first column and the other with 5 April 2006 to 4 April 2007, second column to be the correct day and the other columns need to add themselves up as they get added to with daily cost info.


It's really a money in, money out list sort of thing. I've tried and I got the dates but then I changed something and now I can't get them back. I also can't find out how to make the columns add themselves up.


I'm a thicko I know, but can anyone help ne, pretty please :help:


ps in words of three syllables or less would be good :D

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you've probably changed the format of the date columns so check that they really are dates - select the column right click and i think it's cell format or something, and look at the SUM function for totalling columns of numbers

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