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Click to DVD help requested.


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What can I do to resolve this?


Delete some crap from your HD:D..


Delete all the stuff in the windows Temp directory, IE/FF cache should also be emptied. Search your PC for "*.bak; *.tmp; *.$$$, *.old; *.bak" and delete them:thumbsup:.

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Its probably made an iso type file (name depends on program you used) before burning to dvd. Delete it if you are happy the dvd contains all files you specified.


Use a program like treeview or sequoia (think I spelt it right duh) to view your disk and isolate really big files.

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a dvd could be anything between 1.5gb and 5gb large, generally

normally cache files are created....ie a file of the thing your copying before it gets copied, if it worked, find and delete the cache file.


although if your drives full it dont sound like you have a very big hard drive, could be best to buy and fit a second hard drive....anything over 40gb

id personally go for 80 or above depending on how much space you may need.....i always need lots :P

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How do I do this? Sorry for appearing stupid.


it could be anywhere, depends where your copying / burning program sticks it, normally theres a menu option telling it where to create it.

you can look through my computer / c: drive to find it (although as i dont know what the file name would be i cant help locate it :P)

if you do know what the file name is you can use start/search to find it

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