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How old is the earth?

how old is the earth?  

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  1. 1. how old is the earth?


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One of my good friends at work have been asking this question lately, and has collected everyones answer.

He has wrote a short paper on his findings, and has given me permission to post it on here. The ammount of thought he has put into it is amazing.


Good on yer mate, but where is it?! You’ve got permission to post it so why don’t you? It’ll save all the suspense, and everyone who disagrees gets the chance to ask you to PROVE IT — which is what they usually do.

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Good on yer mate, but where is it?! You’ve got permission to post it so why don’t you? It’ll save all the suspense, and everyone who disagrees gets the chance to ask you to PROVE IT — which is what they usually do.

I hope you have proof of that! :D

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Your answer will depend on what information you have collated during your lifetime. In modern times we have more access to information from books, magazines, TV, radio and the internet, but what information have you retained and how accurate is that information. Maybe you were taught evolution at school and / or creationism ( that God created the world ), maybe you don’t care and want to live this life to the full, because you have chosen to believe once you die you die. Some christians even believe in a pre-adamic race, so as to accommodate an old earth theory.


What ever you have chosen to believe, that’s your choice, all I ask is that you read these facts collected from many sources through my own personal search for the truth. These facts are only a small part of my research.


What number did you choose? Probably 1, 2, or 3 are the most likely to have been your choice. I chose number 4, no doubt and to be more accurate about 40,000 years old. Doesn’t that sound ridiculous, stupid, impossible, the guy’s a fruitcake.


Unfortunately if you chose 1, 2, or 3 you have been misled.


Let’s say if you chose options 1- 3 , you believe in evolution. That is all systems and structures of the universe operate out of a natural process dealing with the laws of nature. Let’s look at some numbers regarding the creation of life from a primordial soup.


Research partly sponsored by NASA for the purpose of finding the most primitive type of a protein molecule that could be said to be living has an amino acid chain of 400, each individual chain has a specific combination of 4 or 5 basic chemical elements. Each chemical element has a unique assemblage of protons, electrons, and neutrons.


To make things easy we will use a simple round number of 100 ( ¼ of what’s needed for life ), then times our findings by 4.


If the earth was 30 billion years old


1018 seconds


109 per second to reshuffle and make a possible link


109 x 1018 = 10105 ( chances 10105 ) ( with 105 05)


The chance is 100 million, billion, billion, billion, billion x 4 even at 30 billion years old ( extract from Harold J Morrowitz Biological Self Replicating Systems). This is just one example that life didn’t happen by chance.


Now lets look at the Sun, the centre of our universe. Think back, what number did you choose 1, 2, or 3? Evidence now exists that the sun is young, obtained both from direct measurement of its diameter and indirectly through the now well documented absence of the expected flux of neutrinos that should have been generated in its interior.


( Reference John Gribbin The Curious Case Of The Shrinking Sun. New Scientist Vol. 97), Ronald Gillilands first conclusion from a battery of statistical tests, was that the overall decline in solar diameter of about 0.1 seconds of arc per century since the early 1700’s is real.

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Even at 1/5th this rate it would have been twice its present size a million years ago ( don’t forget to times this by 5) and incidentally what number did you choose? So we’ve looked at the chances of life just happening , we’ve looked at the age of the sun which also just happens to be the right distance in miles from the earth ( don’t forget to think 3 dimensional ) . The earth orbits the sun perfectly so we can live. The moon rock brought back to earth has been examined and found to be of a different make up than that of the earth, so as there being no chance it had broken off from the earth, incidentally the moons orbit again ( think 3 dimensional) is just right to stop the earth wobbling so life can exist on earth. One should also note Saturn protects earth from meteorites that come into our universe.


Comets thought at one time to be the same age as the earth by scientists, until proven wrong, ( what number did you choose?) Now scientists know they are not much older than 10,000 years.


It is known that there is essentially a constant rate of cosmic dust particles entering the earth’s atmosphere from space and then settling to the earth’s surface. The measurements of this influx made by Hans Petterson obtained a figure of 14 million tons per year. This amounts to 14x 1019 pounds in 5 billion ( what number) compacted 140 pounds per square foot at 1018 cubic feet , earth’s surface area 5.5x 1015 sq. feet = approx. 182 ft thick all over the world, the most cosmic dust has a content of nickel at 2.5 % 300x as great as the earth’s crust, also rivers carry 0.75 billion pounds of nickel per year to the ocean. The ocean contains about 7000 billion pounds time taken slightly over 9000 years ( what number)


Silicon 8000 years to accumulate


Mercury 4200 “ “ “


Lead 2000” “ “


Nickel 1800” “ “


Aluminum 100 “ “


Henry Faul has cited evidence that the rate of efflux of helium into the atmosphere is over 3x 10” grms. Per year, thus giving an atmosphere age of thousands that number.


What about the earth’s magnetic core? Dr. Barnes professor of physics points out that the strength of the earth’s magnetic field which has been measured for the past 135 years, has shown through analytical and statistical studies that it has been decaying exponentially with a half life of 1400 years only 7000 years ago it would be 32x as strong ( what number did you choose.)


The earth is not a thermonuclear star. But has an iron core.


So why do we believe the earth is approximately 40,000 years old?


1The chances life came from a primordial soup


2 The size and measurement of the sun


3 The age of comets


4 Cosmic dust entering the earth’s atmosphere


5 The earth’s atmosphere


6 Total amount of metals on earth


7 The earth’s magnetic field


Hard visual facts that can be analysed statistically.


So where do the astronomical figures needed for evolution come from? First let’s look at dating rocks and the strata column from pre- cambrian to pleistocene . Without crossing into my paper on evolution, suffice to say there are many anomalies in the column. Rocks are not dated by:-


1 Not by their appearance


2 Not by their petrologic character ( types don’t have set ages)


3 Not by their mineralogical contents ( make up)


4 Not by their structural features ( faults and folds)


5 Not by their adjacent rocks ( location)


6 Not by their vertical superposition


7 Not by their radiometrically ( radio active minerals)


8 Not by total fossil contents


So how are rocks dated? The scientists answer - index fossils. How are index fossils dated? By evolution, the period of time when certain life existed.


What is the only method of dating the earth’s age by evolutionists? Answer radio active decay methods.


1 Uranium- Thorium- Lead


2 Rubidium- Strontium


3 Potassium- Argon


Basically the parent changed to the daughter. For these methods to be accurate certain conditions must come into play.


1 The system must have been a closed system


2 The system must not have contained any of its daughter elements


3 The process rate must always have been the same


So we can say yes to all of the above to give even an approximate age, unfortunately no, because-


1 There is no such thing in nature as a closed environment. The concept of a closed environment is an ideal concept, convenient for analysis, but non- existent in a real world. The idea of such a system remaining closed over millions of years is absurdity.


2 It is impossible to never know the initial components of a system created in pre- historical times.


3 No process rate is unchangeable . Every process in nature operates at a rate which is influenced by a number of different factors. If any of these factors change, the process rate changes.


Should you require to know how uranium decays into thorium by a process called “ alpha decay”, I can supply it. However it is suffice to say uranium minerals ALWAYS EXIST IN OPEN SYSTEMS not closed.


Easily being leeched by groundwater one of the chief authorities on radio active dating Henry Faul said - uranium and lead both migrate in geologic time and detailed analysis has shown that useful ages cannot be obtained with them. Much chemical activity is known to take place and widely diverging ages can be measured on samples from the same spot. There are also many problems with the lead. The uranium rate may vary. Writers on this subject commonly stress the invariability of radio active decay rates. The daughter product was probably there from the beginning. Studies in lava rock have shown that lava rock containing uranium minerals and these more often than not contain radiogenic as well as common leads when first cooled. After a detailed study results show that the uranium lead ages were vastly older than the true ages of the rocks. Most of them gave ages of over a billion years, even though they had been formed in modern times and so on etc. etc.


The same applies to radio carbon dating c14. Samples from a living molusc were went to three places in different parts of the world. Each coming back with different ages, ranging from 1 billion years old to 1 hundred thousand years old.


I have given you some hard facts that can be analysed statistically for a young earth. As I stated earlier this is only part of my research that I have done, to find the truth on the approximate age of the earth. I have given you for and the reason against which has no credibility. I have tried to keep this short as there is so much more. A side note, only last week in the metro september 11th- 15th, it stated cave dwellers 31,000 years ago , should a paper on evolution the big con be required , just ask.

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