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Depleted Uranium Measured in British Atmosphere!

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After the "Shock and Awe" campaign in Iraq in 2003, very fine particles of depleted uranium were captured with larger sand and dust particles in filters in Britain.


These particles traveled in 7-9 days from Iraqi battlefields as far as 2400 miles away.


The radiation measured in the atmosphere quadrupled within a few weeks after the beginning of the 2003 campaign, and at one of the 5 monitoring locations, the levels twice required an official alert to the British Environment Agency.


In addition to depleted uranium data gathered in previous studies on Kosovo and Bosnia by Dr. Busby, the Aldermaston air monitoring data provided a continuous record of depleted uranium levels in Britain from the other recent wars.



Out of concern for the public, the official British government air monitoring facility, known as the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), at Aldermaston, was established years ago to measure radioactive emissions from British nuclear power plants and atomic weapons facilities.


The British government facility (AWE) was taken over 3 years ago by Halliburton, which refused at first to release air monitoring data to Dr. Busby, as required by law.


Bloody hell, Halliburton are running the Atomic Weapons Establishment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So its reassuring to know that everytime the US drop DU weapons somewhere in the world, the particles find their way to us. I guess thats a twist on "blowback" :rolleyes:



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It won't just be DU, though - any particulate matter put in the atmosphere will be blown around.


That's why fallout's always been an issue...


So big oil fires, forest fires, major industrial accidents - all would give traces that are detectable in the UK, if we botehered to look for them.

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read somewhere that just one radioactive atom if lodged in a lymph node can really screw you up.


DU isn't radioactive (or barely so).


In theory, that's correct, but everyday several of our cells will be zapped by cosmic ray particles, natural radiation from rocks, medical X rays, etc.


The man made crud doesn't help, though!

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They say that everybody in northern europe who was born between the years 1945 and 1960 has carbon atoms in them that were once in Adolf Hitler. This is because he was burned and the smoke from his carcasse was blown all over northern europe.

Of course we have the carbon from millions who were burned at that time, plus molecules of the hiroshima and nagasaki explosions.


As we are, we`re always inhaling things like this.


God knows why this is relevant here, i just felt the need to type this.

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Don't the Americans and UK still use 'depleted uranium' and 'plutonium' shells in tanks and artillery pieces....and there is a risk from exposure from them.



Technically yes, but it's far, far smaller from the risk you get just by being alive. The amount of DU a soldier is likely to inhale from handling this stuff, is less than the amount of radioactivity he inhales anyway by living on this planet and breathing normal air.

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