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Bob Geldof & Bono and their awareness raising- rant

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..... what are people's views on the likes of Bob Geldof and Bono??


Personally I hate their Hypocritical guts!! I mean REALLY HATE!!!


Bloody Gandolf's been at it again at the Labour party conference, asking;


"How can you sleep at night when 90% of African children go to bed hungry, what the f**k is going on?"


Well we all know how you sleep at night don't we BOB - on a matress stuffed with money you HYPOCRITICAL T**T.


Same with Bono.... always telling everyone else to give their money away to end poverty..... tell you what Bono, as you have the equivalent of a 3rd world countries deficit in your bank accout YOU GIVE AWAY ALL YOUR MONEY!!!!!!


god damn celeb hippies!!!! :rant:


Rant Over - for now!

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After the 11 September bombs, the American people (and a lot of the world) were outraged. As a response to the tragedy, and seeing so many families torn apart, lots of Hollywood stars put on a charity fund raising night that was so cloyingly slushy I couldn't watch it.


All of the money raised went into a fund to help the people affected by the bombs (children left without parents etc).


This is not what amazed me- what amazed me was that with everyone from Tom Cruise to Steven Spielberg involved in this evening of fundraising, and in response to a catastrophe that had made news worldwide, and with an American audience of 210 million people, the amount raised was only $12million.


Children in Need raise more than that every time it's run. So does Comic Relief. That's with a possible audience of only about 55 million people, and done year in year out.


I don't think British people do that badly on committing money to charity.


Wouldn't it be better to look positively on what we can do, than spending our lives in perpetual guilt because we can't change the world with the £10 we have left after we've bought the food for the family?

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They have enough money to have bought birth control pills ,10years ago then we would not have a starving problem today.


That is a horrible thing to say.


I do believe that most of the famine was caused by various civil wars, money being spent on arms as opposed to food and drought and not over population as you suggest.

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The problem with Geldof is that he generally releases a book after every charity gig he does.The image he sends out by doing this turns whatshould be a great idea into the Bob Geldof self promoting roadshow.Like people said earlier the richer and more famous they become seems to over inflate there already massive egos.Sting is another example of the same thing but saving lives is the aim and if putting up with these walking egos then so be it.:|

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If i had a couple of dozen million in the bank, i'd gladly Ponse Around preaching to everyone else about what they should do.


Donations aren't enough and that's the problem. It's not like they are telling us that we should give all our money to these countries (some but not all), it's about raising awareness about 3rd world debt and how we can, with the right amount of pressure, campaign for governments of the developed world to write off their loans to these countries.

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