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Best Gas & Electric Supplier


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go solar. Im looking into the practicalities and efficiency of it right now. Or could always build a wind turbine in the garden (been done I think?). Can see more ppl taking the route in future to be honest. We are with scottish power for both Gas and electric at the moment, as got a capped price deal till end of the yearm, but looking to change after that as their standard price aint that competative and their customer services stink. Did battle to have my direct debit changed and refused, so cancelled and gone back to just paying the bill when it arrives.

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We're with powergen. We're capped till April 2007, so it's pointless us changing, we're still paying 2005 energy prices! The clubcard points are useful though! It's worth having a look at uswitch.com too, especially if you've got the last years worth of bills to hand :)

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Speculation only I know but those of you with capped may have dropped one.


Wholesale gas prices have dropped and prices should eventually be passed on - too late however for this winter (there's a shock!!:rolleyes: ).


Apparentlly Ebico are and will be the best prices - guaranteed. They are often not featured on the search sites. I applied about 7 weeks ago to switch and SHOULD be transferred in the next week -allegedly.


British Gas? Worst customer phone lines I've come across!

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I checked last night on simplyswitch.com and my current supplier is still the cheapest for this area - Atlantic Electric and Gas. Also, they are quite happy to lend me money interest free as they are very slow in increasing the monthly payments to keep up with the higher prices. :)

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I checked last night on simplyswitch.com and my current supplier is still the cheapest for this area - Atlantic Electric and Gas. Also, they are quite happy to lend me money interest free as they are very slow in increasing the monthly payments to keep up with the higher prices. :)

Check Ebico.


I'm moving from Atlantic.

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Ebico prices went up 1 Sept.


Comparison site says Atlantic are cheaper, but have 2 lots of results. Ebico are I believe from same group as Atlanic & Scottish Power.


Ebico's rates are now 2.55p/kwh gas, 9.79p/kwh elec.


Atlantic have a 2 tier price - or at least on mine!


Thinking cap required tonight!

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