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Russian/Japanese Vine problem


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I'm not sure about Japanese Vine, as Idon't know what that is, But the Russian Vine looks lovely when it's in blossom, carcrash. I have it growing over an old tin shed mixed in with Virginia Creeper (another thug) and at the moment they look perfect together. I just cut it back after it's finished flowering and then it shoots up again in the spring.


The only blot is that it's also grown into a tree in someone else's garden and although it brightens it up a bit, I'm not sure that they really want it there :rolleyes:

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It's not called 'mile a minute' for nothing, is it? :( Fortunately I've never had to deal with it, but I know my mum had some problems with it on her allotment.


I'd go with Hayley's advice - if you can get back to the main root, cut it right back and dig out as much of the root system as you can. If it's rooted in a few places then you'll need to get in and get all of those roots out too. After that keep a close eye on it and as soon as anything green appears, hack it back and get any of the associated roots out. Eventually it will die, it'll take some time though - it's horrible stuff :gag: I remember reading somewhere that someone dealt with it cutting it right back and getting the roots out, but then also covering the main root with a piece of old carpet (weighed down with rocks or gravel). They had to leave in place for a year but it did solve the problem. Might be worth a go..


If you want to use chemicals, then there is also some advice here on one way to go about it. Good luck :thumbsup:

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The comments don't seem applicable to Russian Vine. You're not talking about Japanese Knotweed are you?


I've never known anyone have that much of a problem with Russian Vine, it's usually only coming from a single root ... it doesn't root along its length like V. Creeper or even that rubifolium stuff which is a damnable thug and anyone found selling it should be severely punished!:help:

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I was definitely thinking of Russian Vine - it is pretty when it's in flower but it does go crazy very quickly. The link I gave in my post above seems to suggest that it can be a problem for a lot of people... you've been lucky to keep yours in line Ruby! :)


I did notice when I googled for that link yesterday that the common name 'russian vine' gets applied randomly to a lot of troublesome climbers, it can make things very confusing.


I wasn't think of Japanese knotweed... argh, if I had to have one or the another, I'd much rather have the Russian Vine than the evil, evil knotweed! :P


EDIT: There's another link here that discusses removing Russian vine when you can't quite get to the root carcrash.. the general idea seems to be to cut it back as far as possible and apply weedkiller to the cut ends, like Hayley suggests :)

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I was definitely thinking of Russian Vine - it is pretty when it's in flower but it does go crazy very quickly. The link I gave in my post above seems to suggest that it can be a problem for a lot of people... you've been lucky to keep yours in line Ruby! :)


I just gave it one of my looks at the start, Tracie ... that usually works to keep things in line :hihi:


If you can trace it back to the root where it comes out of the wall and chop it off there ... if it starts to shoot again, apply stump and deep root killer.

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The main problem I've got is where the roots are. They are impossible to get to. I hope this photo can give you the idea





There is a block of 4 outdoor toilets that butt up againt a retaining wall and the only way to get to them would be to knock down the toilet block which isn't an option according to my other half.








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