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XP setup from LAN to machine with no CD ROM?


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Got a 'barebones' new PC which I am setting up for a friend.....it has no floppy drive or CD ROM installed and I dont have any spare ones to temporarily install.....can I connect up the machine to the LAN and run an XP setup from a CD ROM on another machine on the LAN? Is this possible to boot from a LAN and directly access the CD drive on a LAN machine?


Its only a basic network on a standard router.......

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you can boot from the network but your network card needs to support it and you need a machine thats already up to serve the O/S back to the booting PC and I've never seen anyone set that up outside a major corporation.


more usually a floppy disk boot would get you a basic O/S and allow you to access network drives, but you don't have an FDD so you are a bit stuffed


best solution would be a temporary install of a CD/DVD drive but again you don't have one


to sort this quickly I would suggest is to lash out a tenner or so and get yourself a cheap DVD-ROM drive and use that to install the O/S then keep it for spare, emergencies and the next time you need to install on a system with no removable media


eBuyer do one and CCL do one so I'm sure you wouldn't have any trouble finding one

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it is possible but it isn't simple, you are better off using a physical drive


the amount of computer related work you seem to do I'm surprised you haven't got a spare drive lying around tho


hope you get it sorted ;)

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