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Baysitters Wanted for sheffield S2 area


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I have a three year old and a four old that i want to find a babysitter for on friday and saturday nights, must be willing to stay till 1.30am, 2am the latest, both children will be bathed and in bed before i leave so all i need is someone to stay in the house with them until i get back, offering £5 per hour, if your interested post me a message or email me angel_2002@hotmail.co.uk plz state in the re box of the email 'babysitting'

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I know it's obvious ,and I'm sure you'd vet any replies you get,but just be careful who you leave your kids with after advertising on the net.Even for babysitting I'd want references and to of spoken to other happy customers.I think lotty on here was adverising babysitting services,not sure what area though.

Oh it's lotti ,found you the link,I don't know her,so don't know if it'll be any use for you.http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=138357

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