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Computer keeps switching itself on again.


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Ive got a laptop,and although its only happend three times in a year,I keep wondering why it does it.I close my computer completely down,the screen goes black,I start walking away from it,then it suddenly starts up again on its own. I then have to close it down again.The other night Id switched it off,and went into another room.I was just going to bed,and saw this bright glow of my computer screen,and it had started itself up again.I wonder what causes this ? :huh:

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Have you got it connected to a phone line on a dial-up connection. Before we had Broadband, this computer used to start itself up everytime the phone rang, as it thought it was receiving a fax.

Yes, I am on dial up, but connecting to broadband tommorrow,so it may not happen again.

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Ive got a laptop,and although its only happend three times in a year,I keep wondering why it does it.I close my computer completely down,the screen goes black,I start walking away from it,then it suddenly starts up again on its own. I then have to close it down again.The other night Id switched it off,and went into another room.I was just going to bed,and saw this bright glow of my computer screen,and it had started itself up again.I wonder what causes this ? :huh:

Havent you thought you may have got a pressance (visitor) ? :(

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check your dial up settings (phone number)- it sounds like 'rogue dialler' symptoms, resulting in extortionate phone bills


You don't get this with broadband though



I am on broadband now but when i was on dial up i rung BT and told them to barr all premium rate numbers from being called from my phone to stop this happening to me

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