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Reporting bikes on public land - 101 service


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I receive a leaflet from the council last week and I am sure it said to ring 191 to report bikes on public land. As anyone rung this number. I have tried it today and it rings for almost one ring then cuts off. Have I got the number wrong


Help I want to report some bikers as they are driving me mad. The police dont help

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You can ring 101 if you like and then you'll get through to a police call handler who will take some details from you. However the chances of the police actually attending are very slim unless there is a nuisance motorbike operation taking place in the area or a patrol car or police helicopter (Did you see Skycops this week) passing by at the time. The best thing to do is try to get photographic or video evidence of the little gits and pass this onto the police.

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Ive rung the 101 and its the same message as when you ring 0114 2202020.

I suppose its as good as we are going to get to a free telephone line service.


Crime stoppers is free on 0800 555 111.


If you're phoning about the little motor bikes its best if you know where they live as they just fly off when the PLODS turn up.

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