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Final salary pension - should i leave it?

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I am 35 and have been with my current co for 7.5 years. The co is now downsizing again for about the 6th time in 8 years. I feel like its time to move on but I currently have a final salary pension scheme and cant get another in any of the private sector jobs I have looked at.

People are telling me I am mad to consider leaving an FS pension scheme but there isnt anything else available other than money purchase in any of the jobs I am looking at! I am ltd to private sector due to experience and type of job I do.

Do people have a view or similar experienes to my situation?


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I realise this isnt really answering your question but rather than saying you are limited to private companies perhaps it would be an idea to look at the transferability of the skills you have gained over the years? If you want advice about how to do this pm me

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You have probably another 25 years to work, to stay at a company because of the pension scheme would be foolish. If you were 55, then i'd say stay, but 35, if you think it's time to move on, then move.


You are unlikely to find any final salary schemes still taking new members though, so just accept that and be prepared to make your own pension arrangements.

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