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Teaching kids about labels, how???

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I'm a parent who believes in teaching at home in addition to school and making it fun but i'm stuck with this one. One of the targets for reception year is learning about labels. I haven't a clue what type of labels so where do I start? Also I need to be able to involve my nine year old lad as well without him getting bored! Anybody got any ideas??? I need a few different things as I aim to spend the weekend on the subject.

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I'm a parent who believes in teaching at home in addition to school and making it fun but i'm stuck with this one. One of the targets for reception year is learning about labels. I haven't a clue what type of labels so where do I start? Also I need to be able to involve my nine year old lad as well without him getting bored! Anybody got any ideas??? I need a few different things as I aim to spend the weekend on the subject.


What about food labels then you kill 2 birds with one stone. Teach him how to look for E numbers etc.

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do you mean branding?

the nursery my daughter goes to had a learning programme that used this as it has something to do with word recognition.


I haven't a clue it just says labels. I wondered if labelling things like the t.v would help or if it means labelling parts of plants etc?


Food labels would be ok for my son I suppose. He could look up what the numbers are on the net, good idea! Not sure my four year old would get it though.

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if your child is in reception as you say, it is most likley looking at labels like the ones in clothes tell us the size of someting, the ones in supermarkets tell us which aisle to find something etc.

a label is a way of giving us information quickly with out us having to taste it, smell it , wear it ect.


you could always look on the dfes website to see under the curruculm section to see what they are looking at this half term.good luck

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you could ask the younger why he/she likes certain sweets, drinks foods etc see if it is the packaging which packagings he/she likes and why they like it.


ask the older boy if he has any idea why the use certain branding and ask him to design a new branding label for something he is interested in eg trainers, console, sweets

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