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Anyone feeling generous today? Fund raising for Meningitis Trust


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In 1997 my younger brother(he was just 16) died suddenly from Meningitis C. It was the worst Day of my life,and there will always be an empty space in my life,which can never be filled.

Since his death,I have intended to some sort of fundraising for a Meningitis charity ( since then I have had three children,so it's kept getting put off).

When I found out the Meningitis trust was planning to do a charity abseil and zip wire event at Hillsborough,on the 7th of october,I felt I really had to take part.My brother was a Sheffield Wednesday season ticket holder,and the 7th of October will be the ninth anniversaty of the day he died.

I would really like to raise as much as possible, in memory of my brother.His name was Douglas Bland and he went to Silverdale School.

I have set up a fundraising page on the just giving site,if anyone would be kind enough to sponsor me ,even if it's only for a pound,or more if your feeling generous! I would really appreciate it.(I am also collecting personnally,from friends and family who live near).

It is really easy to donate through this site just click on the link.



If anyone remembers him,I'd love to hear your memories,I remember when he died,his school friends wrote their memories of him,two which I recall were "I remember when Dougie cooked my shoes in the cooking class ! and "I remember when Dougie did roly polys all the way from one lesson to the next!"

So you can see he was a bit of a character! But he was such a good hearted person,and was so full of life.

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I will donate on wednesday (pay day) my son who is now 8 was part of the Men C vaccine trials in 1998 when he was a baby before it was released for general use.


I'm so glad we were able to participate in helping develop a preventative measure for this.


Good luck :thumbsup:

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Fredsredhat thankyou £5 is wonderful,for strangers to offer their support is really encouraging.No amount is too small,as it all adds up.

I can't find anything about paypal on the site,and I am new to it,but my sister has used it before,so she might know,I'l ask her tommorrow.Ie only everusedpaypal for ebay.Alternatively you could send a cheque,and I'l pm my address.

To be perfectly honest,I feel a little awkward asking people to give money, but it is going to a good cause.And I just know that if it had been the other way round,I died and my brother was still alive,he would of raissed £1000's over the past years.

I thought I should add this link,http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/articles/article.aspx?articleId=245&sectionId=11531 so people can be aware of the syptoms of meningitis.If you think you or someone close might have it please get them checked out asap.

The day my brother died he was off school for the day feeling a bit ill,he had a bit of a cold and neck ache.( the night before he'd seemed fine and had been watching tele in an upside down crooked position!, so it wasn't too suprising he'd got neckache!)anyway when my parents got in from work,they found him,dead in his room.I remember every single part of that awful day,and will never forget.God I miss him.

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I'm a little skint at the moment, but aw sod it, it's for charidee, so a swift fiver in teh snail mail I can just about manage (I'll be sending it recorded delivery, I don't trust standard 1st class after what happened with teh eBay thing)

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