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What have you done to save dosh?

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My most money saving activities have been liberating loo paper from particular locations in central london ( kept me in loo paper for nearly a year), salt, pepper and tomato sauce from mcdonalds for many months and trying out little jars of jams from hotels in central london.


Has anyone else used money saving activities when then were skint?

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Stopped smoking, (started again now like.... :rolleyes: )

Go out on the razz once a week, instead of twice a week, as well as 3 crates in the house each week, by only getting 2.


Use toilet paper sparingly, if you're gonna go in the shower after having a number 2, what's the point in wiping your arse when you can just wash it? :hihi: (joke)


Save on electricity bills, by only having one bulb on at any one time, if need be, take out all but one of the bulbs, and if you want light in the kitchen, instead of the lounge, take out the bulb from the lounge, and replace it in the kitchen. :cool:


Water costs can be slashed too, by sharing a shower with someone, instead of on your tod.

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I have never bought a roll of selatape. I liberate them from the stationary cupboard at work. I don't pinch anything else - just selatape.


I know it is very naughty and I spend lots of money on pointless things but I just can not buy selatape.

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