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Should Sheffield Be Completely Non-Smoking?

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I mean in all public venues, including on the streets?


I am not stating whether I think it should be or not, but am wondering what others think.


A few months ago I gave up smoking and feel very strongly that smokers should not be condemned for their drug addiction. But these are some thoughts to bear in mind...


Smoking kills more people every 4 days than died in 9/11.


One person dies due to smoking every 8 seconds.


The UK government makes an annual profit from smoking of over six billion pounds.


The government is making money from huge pharmaceutical conglomerates by promoting alternative ways of consuming nicotine, ie through TV advertising of patches and gum, also recommended by our GPs, rather than promoting books such as Neil Casey's The Nicotine Trick and Allen Carr's The Easy Way To Stop Smoking which help you to stop smoking without further lining the coffers of the pharmaceutical giants.


I have written a blog entry about this issue giving further facts which is here:


Please be warned that there is a shocking and graphic photograph at the end of the blog entry of a patient with throat cancer.


You can download an eBook version of The Nicotine Trick here for free, as long as you promise yourself you will pay once you have read it. A tenner is going to be a lot cheaper than the thousands you are already spending annually on smoking!


Please recommend the link to The Nicotine Trick and to my blog entry to anyone you know who smokes and would like to give up.

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Not only smoking but drinking alcohol should be banned in our wonderful city-on-the-Don.


After that, they could get onto the fast-fooders and fat-foodsters and do something about them too.


They could set the ball rolling by having guards at checkpoints like Fox House, Tinsley, Birley Moor Road, Chesterfield Road South.......etc......and all incoming traffic to Sheffield could be checked for alcohol and the weed of the Devil, tobacco.Police could also patrol the main bus station and train station checking for people bringing these substances into our midst.


More and more things ought to be thoroughly stamped out and the quicker Sheffield has a clean, wholesome regime like North Korea, the better for us all.

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workers at mecca bingo in scotland have just lost 200 jobs due to lost revenue because of the smoking ban,when this ban comes into effect next year the government wont know what has hit them, never mind if its right to ban it or not, its going to be a very very big change english smokers and non smokers for that matter it is going to affect everybody.

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I don't smoke but I don't have a problem with people smoking in pubs and clubs. I'm funny about restaurants because I'm trying to eat, but in the outdoors, I don't care less.


With one exception....


Bus and Tram stops.


I would like smoking banned there - if it's not raining I can go and stand away fro the queue if someone lights up in the shelter. If it's raining, I can't without getting wet. My attitude about most things is that I don't mind too much what people do as long as it doesn't impact adversely on the rights of others. In this case, it does. A pub or club - you can decide to go there or not, or work there or not. The Tram and bus stops - partially enclosed areas where you HAVE to be to get a bus or tram - therefore, No-No.

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