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The Third Trimester 6 - 9 months, nearly there now

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I had three and half days of slow labour with my first (and ONLY!). The thing that got me through was being able to move around - for the first day I walked through the contractions using deep breathing and pacing round the living room! Then it was warm baths, my sister kept pouring warm water on my bump whenever the contractions came and I tried to visualise the pain as red and concentrate on turning it pink or lilac in my head! Daft as it sounds it worked! My midwife, a young man called Jamie, came up with that and I was that busy trying to change these imaginary colours I forgot how much pain I was in!


All the best to you mums to be. :clap: There's no one perfect way to have a baby - only the way that suits you and feels right for you. Asking for drugs isn't going to make you less of a woman or take anything away from your experience of becoming a mum. Who cares how you get there so long as you and baby are well ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

i chased mine out with a curry, having lost all interest in 'romantic cuddles' by that point.


the midwife said hot bath, hot curry, hot sex.



(semen contains prostaglandin, helps the cervix soften and dilate, and dilating cervix helps the onset of labour).

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