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Loud "personal" stereos on public transport.

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Before we start lets get one thing clear I have absolutely nothing whatsoever against personal stereos, so long as they`re just that, personal, ie only heard by the person wearing them. Unfortunately there is a trend for them to become less and less personal.....

I was on a train the other day and I could hear this chap who was using one of these things from 8 rows back, that`s eight for Gods sake, EIGHT ! I hate to think what damage it does to their hearing (they`ll regret it when they`re older, "Pardon what did you say ? Can you speak into my hearing aid please....." ) but to be honest I was more bothered about what it was doing to my karma than his hearing, that annoying tinny noise which drives you up the wall.

Playing music out loud on a mobile phone is even more irritating though to be fair it`s relatively uncommon, so far.........


A couple of questions:


1 Is there a chance that the people who use these things at such volumes are unaware how annoying it is, or is it that they know but they just don`t care ?

2 How can one get away from them ? If the train or tram isn`t too full one can just move (though why should one have to.....) but what if it`s packed full and one can`t ? Any suggestions ?


I know that Darren Barker at Supertram (E-Mail darren.b@supertram.com ) would also be interested to hear passengers views.

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Smile smugly in the warm knowledge that every annoying noise you hear has knackered a few more cells in his inner ear.


It's really irritating - I've occasionally wondered about whether a portable directed energy EMP weapon is a feasible winter electronics project.... :)

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Sod loud personal stereos, what about loud car stereos? Sureley theres a safety thing to take into consideration when the music in your car is so loud you cant hear traffic? I had a blue renault 4 cars in front of me on Bernard Road tonight, and his music was so loud it was hurting my ears, even though I was wearing a full face helmet.

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