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Should Religious Education be taught in schools?


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Why not?


It typically covers all religions (Heck, even when I was at school nearly 30 years ago RE mentioned othr faiths than Christianity).


A little actual knowledge, rather than the frequent ignorant bigotry that gets spouted about religions different to one's own (if any) might help defuse some tensions.

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My opinion is no it shouldn't. Leave it to the family to do that. RE is the only subject my kids were taught at school where I found it necessary to tell them to take what they were told 'with a pinch of salt', and couldn't be bothered helping them with their homework because I didn't want to tell them something that I personally don't believe happened.

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I certainly didnt need it. We had RE at Chaucer and it was a free-for-all where the kids just went wild. Even the teacher wasnt really committed to his task and often told us that the bible was a crock!

I didnt learn a thing from that class and it didnt do me any harm and the way things are today, Id go so far as to say that religion can be damaging to some people.

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Personally I don't think RE lessons in School are needed, in fact I used to use the lesson as a nap break to be honest, cos it was so mind numbingly boring, it sent me to sleep anyway :gag:


Never mind the fact that the teacher was a complete wazzock.

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In this time of tension and whilst some countries are banning headgear and crucifixes, should Religious Education still be taught in schools?:confused:


Why not? As long as it covers all major world religions in depth (including pros and cons of them all), gives an unbiased overview of the less commonly followed religions, encourages religious tolerance and makes it clear to the kids that it's up to them to make their own mind up about what's right for them...


Of course, then there wouldn't be any time left to teach the little ones anything useful, like the three R's (Reading, 'riting and 'rithmatic) but at least their souls/ka/spirit/shakra/whatever would be saved come Judgment Day/Ragnarok/Doomsday/the Reckoning/the Apocalypse/whatever...

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