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Gender Prediction Tests


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Hi All,


I'm 14 weeks pregnant with my second baby.


I didnt want to know the sex of my first baby, as I wanted it to be a surprise. But I was very curious and tried various gender predictors that I found online, all resulted in the gender been a girl. Which i found to be correct in October 2004 when i gave birth to my daughter.


The chinese gender predictor was the most believeable & logical, the others were based on answers to questions.


Again I dont want to know the sex of this baby as I think it would spoil the birth, for a bit of fun I have again done the online gender predictor, & again it indicates this baby will be a girl too!


Just wondered if anyone else had done them? & Were they correct?


Has anyone found out the sex of the baby at their 20 week scan? did it change your birth experience knowing what you were going to have? Were you disappointed?

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I wasn't sure whether I wanted to know the sex of the baby at first. But I had a strong feeling baby would be a boy anyway. Decided to find out at the scan and confirmed baby boy.


I suppose the main benefit was I could then think about boys names and not having to think about girls names made it slightly easier. I also chose the pushchair and car seat from the internet and ordered them in 'aqua' and I guess had I been having a girl I may have chosen a different colour.


Personally, I don't really like uncertainty and the unknown so it was helpful for me. Each to their own though.

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