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Should Smoking While Driving Be Banned?


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Following on from the CB radio debate, I was wondering what people thought about the dangers of smoking while driving?


I have often wondered about how distracting this may be, with the obvious need to be holding something while driving, and also the need to light and put out the cig' may be a distraction.


It also amazes me that people are able to eat/drink/read while driving, there things have got to be dangerous?

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When I change gear in my car I remove one hand from the wheel, and confidently change gear without looking at the gear lever or reading what is on it. When I turn on the headlights in my car I can do this without it affecting the care and attention with which I am driving. Similarly the fog lights, rear demister, anti dazzle on the rear view mirror, etc.

I am more than capable of lighting a cigarette, eating a sweet, or taking a swallow of water without looking as well!

I find it an insult to my intelligence to suggest that I am incapable of automatic multi tasking with such simple actions.:rant:

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god yes more driving laws more more more lets make blinking while driving an offence too also listening to any music with a beat how many people do you see tapping their steering wheel while listening to music blatently a danger to the public


or wait better still every car has to by law have a camera that films the driver as they drive any infringment then the driver can be automatically fined or banned

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