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Who offers the best Online Sharedealing Service?


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I am thinking of registering with an online sharedealing service but they seem to be so many to choose from and the fees vary!


Does anyone have any good/bad experiences on selling/buying online and who would you recommend??


I won't be trading megabucks just a couple of £k...





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Hi there,

I can't comment on any others, but I find the Halifax SD service very good.

The Halifax buy the shares on set dates and this way you 'share' the dealing charge with others who purchase on that date - they charge £1.50 per buying transaction per company. This suits me, as I'm using it to buy small amounts of shares each month.....sort of like savings with added excitment:cool:

You can buy instantly, but this is more expensive.

Selling fees are £5.....have not sold any personally, but have had on-line real time quotes with £5 always being quoted as the fee.

Good luck.

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A good place to start might be http://www.fool.co.uk/

It is a free website which offers comparisons of a wide range of financial products - also tells you which are the bad guys regarding bank charges etc and how to avoid incurring them.

hope this helps - I've been using it for guidance for a couple of years - give you the pros and cons of almost everything financial (usually with some recommendations)

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