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The sheaf heeley - "just like pubs used to be"


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It's been a while since I stepped into the Sheaf View, but I fully understand where you're coming from. Alas, and good for us, it's not the only decent, traditional boozer left in Sheffield.


Fagan's on Broad Lane is Manna from Heaven, albeit of a fluid variety. Tom's Guinness is simply wonderful, the pub has its own understated, quiet but welcoming ambience and of course, there's always the chance that there might be a bit of a gig in the rear room (where you're always welcome to join in).


Then nearby, there's Kelham Tavern and the Fat Cat, each serving superb and interesting beers. When you've sampled a couple of pints of falling-down-juice in these great pubs, head for the Riverside and slump into one of their comfy leather settees.


I plan to visit the newly opened Harlequin (formerly the Manchester). I sincerely hope this pub is like its neighbours offering great beer and food in traditional surroundings.


There are still some gems left. Personally, your Corner House and Ha! Ha!s don't really 'float my boat' (not that I'd avoid them, you understand).

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The Sheaf View is a nice pub, you do get what people might call "chavs" (based entirely on their clothing of course) in there but they don't act like tits.


It's a shame they don't have a bigger beer garden though, or at least one thats flat so you don't fall down it on the way to get another pint :)

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You also have to be very careful where you have a fag there too, extreme fire hazard potential, not that I am a dirty smoker of course!



LOL, yeah you can't smoke in the conservatory or on the decking in the Sheaf, which I think is great....means you don't have to go home a scrub your hair and skin and lungs before you go to bed...well done Sheaf for providing areas for non smokers and smokers!!

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LOL, yeah you can't smoke in the conservatory or on the decking in the Sheaf, which I think is great....means you don't have to go home a scrub your hair and skin and lungs before you go to bed...well done Sheaf for providing areas for non smokers and smokers!!


You mean it actually works, smokers and non-smokers in the same pub ?

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