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Clock Tower Wadsley Park Village


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The planning appplication for the former Adminstration Building on Wadsley Park Village has changed.


The plans have changed to extend the current footprint to include another 39 apts. Losing the Clock Tower inside the apartment complex.


If you are interested and want to lobby any complaint the referrence is 06/03165/FUL.

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so they are keeping the clock tower but you just wont be able to see it.. is that correct?!


would you be able to post the link to the planning application on here please GingerCat?


Yep,thatd be great.I spent a lot of time at middlewood hospital and have found it increasingly difficult to watch what was a glorious building,crumbling to nothing. So much for protecting our listed buildings and local history eh?

Hopefully,if enough people protest,we can stop these greedy developers in their tracks?

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Sometimes the idea of protesting does not work because you are right in what you say about listed buildings just getting demolished by the greedy developers.


QUite a few years ago , there was an old factory on Archer Road in the Woodseats area that was the old Laycocks building.


The main part of the factory was demolished as the business moved out, but the frontage was going to be kept as it was of architectural importance and was to be classed as some grade of listed building.

It was saved, but unfortunately, along came the Sainsburys supermarket chain with their very large bank balance and stated their intent to build a supermarket complex on that site, in direct competition to Tesco who were building directly across the river.


When the matter about the retained old factory frontage was raised, it seemed to drop its listed building status and got later demolished to enable acces to the land at the rear to allow the supermarket to be built on it.


So it would seem that if there is enough money around, the listed building status gets conveniently dropped. Seems a bit of a pity nobody wanted to build a supermarket where the Park Hill flats are eh. !!:hihi: :hihi:

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would you be able to post the link to the planning application on here please GingerCat?

Well... the planning search engine is here, but it's currently broken...

There has been a system error. Error message: ORA-12500: TNS:listener failed to start a dedicated server process

*pokes resident SF councillors* ;)

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  • 2 months later...

If any wanna be middle class families are interested in Upper Wynn Gardens then please visit our new site at http://www.wadsleyparkvillage.co.uk.


This is our first steps in supporting the new village, of course the superb site of the old Middlewood hospital, maintaining alot of the features and working with areas around the village.


So Mark, even if you're not protentious and you're not a wanna be middle class family you can even join and give us your thoughts - as the old buildings, such as the beautiful Church are part of North Sheffields Heritage and we have to work together to ensure they are maintained as I would for any other area of North Sheffield.

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