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Public vs. Private Schools


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I do not totally agree with mattyS on his views.Though children may compare who is more rich(human nature) the most striking difference i find is the amount of work done in private schools.

I have 2 nephews of same age,1 attending private school and another attending state school.What i find with private school is they have to do a lot and lot of work in comparison to state school.They are also not spared during weekends. Their exposure to sports and in all round personality developement activities are also very high.

In some sense i feel my nephew who attends the private school is previleged.I find that capitalistic view difficult to accept but it is the truth.


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My kids all go as you say "Public school" and im happy with the school and my kids education, good reports, they get the results they need GCSE's/A-Levels :) .... compared to when i was at school im chuffed to bits with the school and the way they teach.... im proud of my kids cos the stigma some people give you livin on a large council estate - kids going to A STATE SCHOOL..... but im pleased they do!


I simply cant afford to pay for private ..... if i could i dont think i would... my brother in-law was a private school boy.... and i thought he was a right plank??:loopy: had his head in the clouds everything was money money money..... makes me sick... i know its all down to choice... but im happy with the state school my kids attend.


Plus i also think that the biggest part of your kids education starts from home and the help and support they get to start off with... the choice of school is a bonus.

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I agree with you in principle.End of the day educational acheivement is not dependent on one single factor.Attainment of grade is an endpoint of various forces especially home situation,school environment and individual's own factors.You can list thousands of factors under each of these categories.

If there is a choice and money i will educate them privately,the only reason being the oppurtunities available for a student to excel is very high compared to a student in state school.That is what you'll be paying for.

Whether i will or can afford is doubtful but seeing the difference i have to accept there is a difference.

It is like whether you want to drive a 10 year old corsa or a brand new Merc.It will both complete a purpose.


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My kids all go as you say "Public school" and im happy with the school and my kids education, good reports, they get the results they need GCSE's/A-Levels :) .... compared to when i was at school im chuffed to bits with the school and the way they teach.... im proud of my kids cos the stigma some people give you livin on a large council estate - kids going to A STATE SCHOOL..... but im pleased they do!


I simply cant afford to pay for private ..... if i could i dont think i would... my brother in-law was a private school boy.... and i thought he was a right plank??:loopy: had his head in the clouds everything was money money money..... makes me sick... i know its all down to choice... but im happy with the state school my kids attend.


Plus i also think that the biggest part of your kids education starts from home and the help and support they get to start off with... the choice of school is a bonus.


I think your outlook on the whole thing is absolutely fantastic! It would be wonderful if all parents accepted that responsibility and commitment to their children's education. Sadly, it would appear that this is not always the case.

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I'm doing some research on school selection and catchment areas for a debate show on Teachers' TV - I'm looking for parents who feel they are living in the wrong area and would like to move to benefit their childrens' education but can't afford the costs or also from anyone who has moved just so their children can attend a better school.


Please call me on: 020 74284716





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