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How should the Pope apologise ?

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The Pope really has stuck his foot in it.


He quoted something from a few centurys ago, which has now upset one or two people.


Indeed one Gentleman in Somalia shot an Italian Nun ( officials claim the gunman was rather annoyed at the Pope's comment) in protest.


But what does the Pope need to do to defuse the sutuation now?

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The pope should NOT apologise for telling the truth.


He wasn't telling "the truth" per se anyway. As I understand it, he was making a speech to some academics and one of the things he said in it was a quote made about Islam by someone, several centuries ago!


He doesn't appear to have apologised, which he shouldn't have to anyway, I agree. According to the article I saw, he appeared to be saying he was sorry that people hadn't understood what he'd said in his speech. No more, no less.

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