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DVD Codec for Ubuntu


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I got some DVD codes to watch DVD on Ubuntu from the Easy Ubuntu software.

but this is not enough as I can watch Jeeper Creepers but not Donnie Darko :(


There must be a way to get these DVD codes and I realize that I going to have to pay for them but surely there a way to get them.





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But tobster Ubuntu is the greatest OS ever, can I suggest that you curb your enthusiasm a little?


I agree that Linux and the open source movement in general is great, Microsoft needs competition, otherwise we are all sunk :(


You have made statements which only a couple of days after making them you are now not able to back.


What format are the movies in?



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I love the fact I watch movies and do all the stuff that a Window user can do!


Also being Linux it more advanced then XP


I was just waiting to see how long it was before you posted about the playback of DVDs, Ubuntu doesn’t do a lot of stuff you might expect, the most noticeable are DVD and MP3 support! :hihi:

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I dont know the codes for the Donnie Darko DVD but I do have the Offical Ubuntu book. I have not read it all yet. but Ubuntu does a lot of stuff that I would not expect for free software.


If I was not so knew to GNU/GPL I would not prob find it so amazing....


There something called Myth TV which converts a computer into a full fledged media centre... It on page 209 in the Offical Ubuntu book - have not read it just seen it in the book, im still on page 30 :)

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I suggest reading this.


You can get mp3 playback also by doing a simple search. These things couldn't be included on the install CD/DVDs because of laws and stuff.


Personally I would stick to Windows if you're having difficulties. You can waste lot's of time with Linux IMO :thumbsup:

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I suggest reading this.


You can get mp3 playback also by doing a simple search. These things couldn't be included on the install CD/DVDs because of laws and stuff.


Personally I would stick to Windows if you're having difficulties. You can waste lot's of time with Linux IMO :thumbsup:


VLC plays just about everything.


EDIT, forget that link, just use aptitude or the GUI package manager at the bottom of the applications pull down menu. (i prefer code: $ sudo aptitude ie non x package manager)


also ubuntu community forums this place is probably a much richer place to get information on any specific ubuntu problems than SF. possibly one of the best linux communities imo.

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