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Has anybody had loads of these insects this year?

de tiling

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There's always been loads of craneflies ... I can remember Octobers where you couldn't open the front door without twenty of them swarming in to attack the hallway light.


They've been a bit quieter in recent years, admittedly, but what we're getting this year is hardly a plague. Yet, anyway.

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Whilst on the subject, did you know its very easy to sex a crane fly?


Seriously, take note for future reference, the 'tail' of the crane fly is either thicker and slightly rounded towards the rear, or pointy and thin.


Thicker and slightly rounded (no not biggy after a few bevvies), but female, the rear section containing eggs - hence the shape.


Pointy and thin, male. It uses this to make love to Mrs Crane.

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I find that a large glass of cherry coke seems to attract them. If you're like me though, you'll feel sorry for them once they land in it and thrash about, and then you'll rescue them, dry them out and set them free outside!


Or you could use a candle, yeah. That works. Ouch!

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