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Marianne Faithfull has breast cancer

Plain Talker

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just heard on the news that the actress/ singer Marianne Faithfull has been diagnised as having early stage breast cancer.



doctors say that she has a good prognosis as it has, hopefully, been caught in the early stages.


heres hoping for good health and a swift recovery, for her and others facing the same diagnosis

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just heard on the news that the actress/ singer Marianne Faithfull has been diagnised as having early stage breast cancer.



doctors say that she has a good prognosis as it has, hopefully, been caught in the early stages.


heres hoping for good health and a swift recovery, for her and others facing the same diagnosis



fingers crossed!!!


any kind of cancer is a horrible thing and i wouldnt wish it upon anyone, my nan died of it last year

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  • 4 months later...
She's no spring chicken either so she will have a real fight on her hands.

The chances of survival is getting better every year and wish her the best but what I didn't know about breast cancer is it can affect men to.

Never heard of any man get it.


A friend of mine had it.A big strapping man too.He was clear for 5 years then it returned and he"s having further treatment. I "ve learned a lot about BC since Sept/06 because after a routine mammogram I too was diagnosed with BC. A month later I had a single Mastectomy. Since then I have had a course of Radiotherapy Treament from Dec 19/06 to Jan 11/07. I made a round trip of 60 miles for 15 appointments with Weekend and Holiday breaks.The trips were pleasant though, because friends set up a Rota of drivers from family and friends.It was good to chat to different ones during the trips and I am very grateful for their help.For the next 5 years I have to take anti- cancer drugs.I tell my family that although I"ve lost a boob, I"ve still got my life, because the BC was caught in the early stages.Yet, if I had not gone for the Mammogram I would be sitting here now unaware of cancer spreading through my body.<The cancer cells had already spread to 3 of my Lymph Glands too> Ladies! Go for the Mammogram!

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