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Re-cycling & the NHS


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Hi again, just been reading a few posts about recycling... I also try & do my little bit!! Anyways i'll get to the point. I work at the halamshire hospital & i'm always on about how they should have some recycling points. We throw loads of news papers & bottle away... Just an idea!! :thumbsup:

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Agreed, there must be hundreds of bottles & cans of drink consumed there.

One of my pet peeves is that the council, in their wisdom, won't provide the blue bins for businesses - surely businesses produce the highest quantity of waste paper - and probably the best quality recyclable paper at that!

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councils don't 'provide' any waste disposal service for businesses - they have to buy it ...


so if an organisation can't be bothered ....


numerous other NHS organisations in yorkshire do have contracts with recyclers.... and the recycling contractors love it as most of the paper is decent quality ...

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A rather macabre kind of hospital recycling: when I was involved in student theatre at the Drama Studio, and the props dept. needed some flowers, someone would go to the Hallamshire close by, and ask if anyone had died that day or night. If they had, we got the bedside flowers for our set. A rather gruesome confusion of priorities occurred when we really, really, needed quickly and no-one was dying, damn it! But that's showbiz...

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