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Paul Tansleys Show on Friday At 5PM


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I have been asked to be interviewed on Paul Tansley's show on Friday to pose a question or two about forum issues.


This is after I asked questions last week that due to some problem or other Paul wasn't able to ask JoeP. So this week I get to pose some questions on air to which Joe can respond.


Thanks for the invite Paul:thumbsup:

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You could ask him what his views are on the 'Afghanistan' problem and how he'd solve the issue of UK involvement in that backward third world country?

Forum issues only please but feel free to Pm your views to me and I will put them to Joe Tomorrow.

Is anyone out there happy and appreciate the dedication the mods put into this forum, not just Joe but all of them.

Please remember Joe is only the spokesman so any issues should be forum based not personal to himself.

All questions will be asked and answered by Joe on air but all must be PMd to me first.

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