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TESCO - Sports Vouchers for Schools

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It's that time of year again where Tesco rewards it's shoppers with those little vouchers that schools are able to get extra sports equipment with.


I appealed last time & the response was fantastic, thankyou everyone!


As some of you know my lad attends a Special Needs school in the Rotherham area.

It's a small school that does exceptional work - with teaching staff & teaching assistants that are dedicated hard working and just... well superb.


My request is that if you yourself don't normally say yes to vouchers for petrol or shopping - would you please for this promotion?


I will PM the school's postal address to anyone who wants to help me so they can be sent directly to the school for the cost of a stamp.

This cuts out the potential of any being lost in transit on the school-bus...


When I find out the closing dates n stuff I'll add them to the thread.

:thumbsup: DK :thumbsup:

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