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Money - what do you think of it ?


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I've been reading another thread elsewhere on another forum. It was all business talk basically. It got me thinking about money, and what it really means...


To have equity and to have a company does not mean that one day you won't end up as bankrupted if the economy falls. How come humans feel so secure knowing that they have paperless money ?


Also, does it matter if we see cash in our hands, as opposed to no cash in hand ? Everybody works for money, but does it really matter if we drive a skoda, to a porsche ?


What do people think ? Is it a means to an ends, or just the necessary evil, so to speak ?

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You're right Bago, it is fragile situation and things change for no apparent fault sometimes. It's not vital, but it ain't half lovely to have a bit more than you need.


I do get a bit alarmed that most people attitude to money is often "when I win the lottery I'll buy an X and a Y and a Z then take everyone on holiday to A and spend winter at our villa in B. There's far too much emphasis put on the importance of possessions for the sake of it, not how they can enrich your life.


Easy come, easy go I guess. That's that old saying? "From rags to rags in 3 generations".

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To have equity and to have a company does not mean that one day you won't end up as bankrupted if the economy falls. How come humans feel so secure knowing that they have paperless money ?


Because a failure of the economy as a whole is pretty unlikely, to the point where most people wouldn't even consider it as a possible scenario.

Anyway, why borrow trouble, if you have money now, then why worry about not having money in the future?



Also, does it matter if we see cash in our hands, as opposed to no cash in hand ? Everybody works for money, but does it really matter if we drive a skoda, to a porsche ?

I don't use cash very much, and to be honest, cash is no more secure than electronic money, so cash in hand or not is irrelevant.

It matters to some people what they drive, but for various different reasons. I'm sure that a porsche is more fun to drive than a skoda, although i've never driven a skoda to check. A porsche is also more a visible indication of wealth if that's what floats your boat.


What do people think ? Is it a means to an ends, or just the necessary evil, so to speak ?


Money is just an abstract mechanism of exchange. Ie it's a representation of notional value which means I don't have to take my geese to market to barter in exchange for flour.

Capitalism and money have their downsides though, currency speculation being a prime example of that.

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The benefit of having money is not in my view the ability to acquire possessions but rather the enhancement of life choices. It affords us greater opportunities to say no to things we don't want to do. To some degree it also frees us from insecurity. As for the old dilemma about love or money, if you love money, the problem is solved. :thumbsup:

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People who flash the cash genrally dont have all that much they feel the need to flash it to make themselves feel better. All fur coat and no knickers as my mum calls it. The very rich dont really care what people think and just happily plod on with life not really giving a monkeys.


Money doesn't buy happiness but it helps. it enables people to make choices that others cant make.

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