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New Dance Craze Everywhere

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There's a new dance craze. :banana: Thing is, it's not in discos or clubs, it's everywhere.:banana: Usually practised by youngish males in suits or scruffy jeans.


What they do is stare at the floor for a bit. Then they turn around 180 degrees, stick their finger in their ear, turn around a bit more and shuffle back and forth. They then might look at the sky then at a blank wall whilst waving one arm about. Sometimes they rock back and forth like they've got severe indigestion.:headbang: :headbang:


It's usually accompanied by strange lyrics like "I gotta figures on mi laptop" :rolleyes: or "what you need to do is......" ;) or "nah, I carn get none till Friday, mate":huh: . A popular song some sing along to goes like: "Nah darlin........ look darlin............ I carn gettaway cos I'm a'work right nah...........yer, 'course I luvya.......nah.............nah...........avit yer own way".:(:thumbsup: The tunes to these songs are a bit boring as well. Or they're not very good at singing.


Oh, and they always have a mobile clamped on their ear whilst they are doing these wierd dances. :nod: Seen it in Tesco's, in a car park, in the street, on the station, it's everywhere.


Anyone else spotted this new phenomenon?

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:hihi: Not spotted that one I don't think..


When I went out to town last month some lads were doing a strange dance..I thought they were taking the p*** but they were really serious about it.. :hihi:


One of them whilst doing this mad dance leant against the wall with one hand and lifted one of his legs with the other hand.. paused for a few seconds..Then started bending his body around :confused:


Has anyone else seen this? It was at bar matrix.

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