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Any Investors For Local Business?


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I have been making plans to start up my own business, a business which will take off big-time! Having looked at all the in's and out's I know I have an idea that will not only be very popular, but has the potential to make alot of money - very quickly.


All I need are some serious investors to hear my idea. If there are any business managers or firms out there who may want to help an enthusiastic local entrepreneur - please contact me via the pm.

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Mrs Grinder is currently doing a bit of research to gain funding for a new startup business and she says it looks quite promising if you are in the right geographic area and starting from nothing.


Do a bit of Googling for regional development agencies... local authorities have business development departments which are amazingly helpful!


With a bit of work on your part you will find funding and other help without having to take on a sleeping partner.



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I have been making plans to start up my own business, a business which will take off big-time! Having looked at all the in's and out's I know I have an idea that will not only be very popular, but has the potential to make alot of money - very quickly.


All I need are some serious investors to hear my idea. If there are any business managers or firms out there who may want to help an enthusiastic local entrepreneur - please contact me via the pm.


Everybody seeking money says their business with ‘take off big-time’’ and have the ‘potential to make a lot of money.’ How much money are you putting into it, and do you have a business plan? Even more important, how much money are you looking for and do you want an investor to match you pound for pound or do you perhaps want said investor to fund the entire idea. If the latter, this possible investor would want at least 65 per cent of the profit — if you’ve actually got something with potential and a business plan. Most ‘good ideas’ are really ‘pipe-dreams’.

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More details please

, I would only be the slightest bit interested if you have a comprehensive business plan. I mean one written prior to the set up. Not just because i have requested it.


What level of investment are you asking for , and what are the expected returns? 'big-time' doesnt narrow it down. In fact it denegrates the whole idea completly as you might of guessed by the responses you have been getting.


Do you have a solictior , accountant ?


Get back with more details if you have them?

P.S If your business is Big-time as you state then your bank should consider you for a loan that way you dont have to split the business and profits they are all yours. 'just an idea'


Whatever you decide i would be interested in hearing more so e-mail me at


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it would probably get you more response from people if you outline a general idea of what your model is.


have you done the proper homework? are there practical forecasts? have you done term sheets for prospective investors?


initial funding is most likely from family or friends. unless you can acquire government grants.


do your F&F have faith in the idea? will they put any of their money in there?


i can help you with some guidelines if you want some assistance.


i raise private equity for a living :)

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The only things I'd say here are :


Ideas and schemes are cheap - implementation is what counts. When I was involved in this game, if anyone ever told me that I would have to sign non-disclosures and such because the idea was so unique and special it had to be protected, I walked away. It's implementation and action to get th idea to market that matters.


Have you tested your market - i.e. before asking people to part with money, have you shown there is a definite market for your product / service and have you sold in to it?


If you get genuine investors involved, the earlier they come in the more of the pie they will want. If you can rustle up the money to get your business running, you might be better advised going after people someone to act as a 'mentor' for you through this start-up period than for soemone to put money in.


Good luck!

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Thanks for the useful tips guys, well almost everyone....peterw? :rolleyes:


Anyway, I have done quite abit of research into the field I want my business to go into. I've made business plans, with outgoings and profit margins as well as talking to several bank managers on the best way forward. I will be putting in my own cash and not expecting to run solely on other peoples money, I am confident there is a huge market for my idea but every business needs a helping hand starting up.


D G DON, I will be in contact :thumbsup:

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