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Internet Bank Savings Account - Recommendations

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Hello - I'm thinking that it's about time that I make a real effort to stash some pennies for the long term and have been having a gander at various internet banks. This will be a first for me so the thought of finding a decent bank that offers a decent interest rate is a little scary.


Would be grateful for anyone in the know. Thanking you in advance.

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The Alliance and Leicester have a bank account with 6.1 % interest. If you switch to using that and I refer you, we each get £50, which might work out better than other savings accounts depending on how much you are putting away ...




If you'd like to do this send me a PM...

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HSBC do 8% regular saver (any amount between £25 and £250/month) and someone else - can't rememebr if it's Lloyds or Alliance & Leicester - do 10% for their regular saver. HSBC hide it away though so you have to search for "Regular Saver 2" I think.

These account mean that you can't get at your money until the end of the year though, if you want instant access a good bet is the ING Direct (http://www.ingdirect.co.uk) account - once it's been set up it's a doddle to use and you can have several 'pots' of money that you can control seperately - I have one for car costs, one for Christmas expenses, one for Birthdays, that sort of thing. :)

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