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Different Wireless routers and cards...


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I know that there are different types of routers for bt or for cable. but what about the cards that go with them?


if i was buying a usb wireless stick would i have to make sure its compatable with bt or cable or is it aoutomatically compatable with both? Is it the same for pci wireless cards???


Sorry if this is obvious i just really dont know :(

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ALL Wireless PCI Cards and USB Wireless Fob's are compatable with any Router, the difference you need to look at are if its B or G, G being the fastest..


802.11B = 11mbps

802.11G = 54mbps


There are some that claim they 'double the speed' this uses compression, and they are still 802.11G, and will work fine with all B and G routers, however if you wish to use the "double speed" (108mbps) then you need both a router and card that supports the double speed feature..


The thing that matters for Cable / BT(DSL) is what router you get, and is dependant on your modem.. here's the options..



If its connected via USB, then you need to get a Router with a USB connection for the WLAN

If its connected via RJ45 (Square LAN style) then a standard router will do the trick..



If Your modem is USB, Again, you will need to get a USB compatable modem, thats ADSL compatable (means it can 'dial' the adsl for you)


OR, (like with cable) if you use the LAN Style connector, again, most routers will do the trick..


the alternative with this is, you can buy Routers that have a DSL modem built in, so you plug the router into your phone line, and your PC(s) into the router, and set it up for your connection, and away you go..


if you need any further help and/or advice, let me know ;)

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I can't PM (I only have 8 posts, lol) The game adapter I have is this one http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Product_C2&childpagename=US%2FLayout&cid=1115416828017&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper It's in good condition and I still have the box for it (somewhere) Only problem with it is, is that the LCD channel no. display goes a bit wonky sometimes and you have to tap the top to get it back, but you never need to see the screen anyway (I put duct tape over it cos it lit my bedroom up at night, lol) Where abouts do you live?

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