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Skin Cancer Feature BBC1

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Tonight on BBC 1, 7.30pm, is a programme on Melanoma (Skin Cancer) which comes close to home as I believe it features the daughter of Northern TV presenter, Christa Ackroyd.

I would urge people to move away from 'it doesn't concern me' because it certainly can - with fatal effect! My advice would be: 'if in doubt, check it out', and the programme could certainly advise what those tell-tale signs are,

moles: irregular shape, change in size, colour and any bleeding.

Two years ago my observant daughter was asked to wash my hair over a sink in Toronto - I'm in a wheelchair - "ugh!" she said. Unbeknown to me sat a strange mole on my back. it didn't hurt, it didn't itch, I didn't know it was there. On return, it was excised pretty swiftly and it was malignant!

"Skin cancer is the easiest form of cancer to treat" - so say the medical books, "if caught early" is the proviso. Nobody states what 'early' means!

If it isn't caught early, the signs are not good as it moves swiftly into the lymph system. I am two years on now, having regular three-monthly check-ups. It certainly scares me and I would urge you all not to under-estimate the sun and the possible damage it can do. Watch tonight (Mon) if at all possible.

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