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St Helena, South Atlantic

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I once worked with a teacher who had taught there for a year , a few years ago . At that time the way he'd arrived was by ship from S. Africa . However , I believe there's been an airport built on the island pretty recently but I don't know what size aircraft it can cope with .So , maybe supplies have got more plentiful nowadays-----or at least quicker and more frequent !

I'm sorry he didn't tell me many details about the life-style . It's obviously a fairly quiet place but that's what the particular teacher was after anyway , so he enjoyed that aspect of it .

Surprisingly , he said that although the students were more respectful than he knew them to be in Britain , they were , by no measure , Little Angels .

At a guess , I'd say that if your friend is a keen reader , to take a good few books and perhaps order a year's Weekly Telegraph or Weekly Guardian or something like that ...........plus his or her favourite magazines .Even quite big places abroad often don't have a decent bookshop------I suppose they 're more for the Internet or the " telly " nowadays .

Also , there's bound to be some info. either in the library or , indeed on the Internet , that'll no doubt , give a bit of help and advice .

Bon Voyage anyway !

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Was there many many years ago. White sands and sunshine. Cost of living was low and still is, I hear. Was in the RN at the time and decided I’d retire there, but I’ve never really retired so no chance now.


In those days they grew hemp and there was a rope factory — now long-gone. After the second world war the locals — beautiful, mild-mannered people — went back to supplying fresh foods to cruise ships which had to anchor off-shore. Boats went out to them.


There was an American entrepreneur on the island who provided film shows via a 16-millimetre sound projector. Made a good living out of it, but at that time you could live well on a couple of quid a week.


One thing that will not have changed is to see all the stars in the sky at night! On a beach of white sand — that’s heaven.

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