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Swearing in a story!


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Hello folks, I have just recently joined the forum (Brilliant by the way!) I am interested in writing, purely for personal enjoyment and would welcome any correspondence from anyone really. I have written some pieces in the past, but I'm not too sure if they would be appropriate for the forum (A bit Irvine Welshy, terrible language and graphic descriptions of the dark side of human nature) Also I'm interested in anyone's views on 'Birdsong' by Sebastian Faulks, along with 1984 this has to be my favourite book!

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Hiya cozmo, and welcome to Sheffield Forum, and the Writing Group Section.


I've not read the book you recommend, but I will look out for it in the local library. Someone in this Group may have read it though.


George Orwell wrote several cracking books in the immediate post war period didn't he, some with servere warnings of the way the future could go, and the exquisite criticism of the communist system in Animal Farm.

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Thanks for your message and the link!! Yes I agree, George Orwell is one of my favourite writers, I have read 1984, Coming up for air, Road to Wigan pier and obviously Animal Farm. I have to say though 1984 is simply brilliant, I'm drawn to to futile nature of Winston's struggle, the tiny hope of human contact and love, and finally the ABSOLUTE that is Big Brother! Orwell's insight and thoughts on the communist party were very forward for his time, and not too wrong either.

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Welcome aboard!


I've heard of Birdsong but not read it - however 1984 is a favourite of mine. I regard Coming Up For Air, Animal Farm and 1984 as a trilogy - prelude to revolution, revolution and revolution betrayed.


I'm weird about bad langauge in my work. I've done some film script stuff where the language helped, but often it can come over as being a 'lazy' way of getting an effect.


That's just me!

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Interesting point about the bad language sometimes being 'lazy', but the problem with removing it is that it is a very relevant part of the two main characters in my piece, it's also very much in context with the writing as well. The language that I have used is language that I can also be guilty of using in day to day life. The story centers around two working class lads involved with substance misuse, so as you can imagine the language is necessary in some respects. 'Trainspotting' would not have been such a brilliant book if it wasn't not for the authors realism and awareness of his subject matter.

Having said that though, I can understand how offensive bad language can be to some people.

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