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Kitten litter training

Elphi 24

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hi folks

Ive got a kitten who is around 20 weeks old now. When I got him at 7 weeks he was fully litter trained but in the last week or so has started leaving "parcels" at my back door.

Is this a message that he wants to go out?

How do I get him to reuse the litter tray until he's been "done"?

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Hi cats are generally quite fussy so the litter needs to be kept really fresh also one of our cats was fussy to the point that if we changed the type of litter she would refuse to use it.


apparently if you take the kitten to the litter and gently rub their feet in it they get the idea has worked for mine but i may have just been lucky and if you want to change the type of litter start by mixing two types together it seems to help them transfer


worse than kids honestly !!!

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Have you thoroughly cleaned the area where he keeps going so get rid of them smell? I use disinfectent but clean it a couple of times otherwise they can smell it and go back there.


You could try watching your kitten carefully after eating etc and if you see him heading for the door pick him up and take him to the litter tray. Try to keep putting him back in until he does something, and if he does, give him a treat!


One of my cats sopped using the litter tray and it was because there was some woodlice in the tray, don't ask, haven't a clue where they came from! Maybe there is something near the tray upsetting him? Has anything new been placed near it?


I hope you get him back on track soon!

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have tried ensuring that the litter tray is clean and its right at the side of where he is doing it!

Ive also tried disenfecting and bleaching the area! Its only in the past week or two he's started doing it! Its not too far away from where his food is but nor is where he is doing it!!!

thanks for all the replies to date! any advice gratefully received!

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