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First frost of the season


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According to Paul the weatherman there is a good chance of Frost tonight in the hills, feels cold enough out there already and I've brought some plants in. Anyone remember when we got the first frost last Autumn? Also anyone got tips on protecting plants?

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Yeah, tis meant to be chilly for the next couple of nights, but by day it looks gorgeous! This time last year we were having a lot of rain, and then the weekend of the 17th was lovely...I should remember, it was the weekend we got married! But definitetly can't remember frosts.


As for protection, it's best to stop adding fertilizer, thereby minimizing new leaf/green growth so less frost damage is done. The older leaves are more likely to withstand frost. You can wrap your containers in bubble wrap or fleece, and for plants in the ground, cover with a container of some sort and wrap that in newspaper/blanket, and remember to take off in the morning. Evergreens will last with a good layer of mulch.


Anyone have any other ideas?

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I'm pretty sure it didn't start to get really cold last year until the end of Sept, but I didn't have a garden then so I didn't take as much notice! ;)


It felt very frosty yesterday morning and although today was just gorgeous, metcheck.com (usually pretty reliable) predicts temperatures as low as 8C tonight :shocked: so it's worth getting some fleece around vulnerable plants.

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