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Band/Singer you have never seen but would love to


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What would you choose? I have to say for me it would have been The Clash. I absolutely love em - Joe Strummer was the man! There music is still as razor sharp today as I am sure it was during their time.


Excellent choice, mate! :thumbsup:


Honestly, you would SO have had a brilliant time - every time I saw the Clash they were Fantastic. I don't remember ever hearing of them giving a lacklustre performance. They would always wear themselves out for the fans, and then usually made a point of hanging round afterwards for a couple of hours to meet and greet and just chat with the fans, and sign autographs for everyone who wanted them.


I've never heard of a band who were so in touch with their fans, except maybe the Manics.


You'd have had a treat, sufc_tom - believe me!




PS This is weird - but I was playing one of my old Clash cds this morning, and thinking how their music simply doesn't date! But so much of it was ahead of its time, anyway.

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