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Would you employ a known member of the BNP?


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I can't see why not!


they'd be pointed out the "Equal opertunities Policy", and if they started bullying any minorities, they'd be out!


whether you agree with it or not, the BNP is a political party (not a very good one, but still) don't think you can not employ someone on the basis that they vote for something you don't believe in!


Now if they were an open member of Combat 18, or the National front, it would be a different story!

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When you interview someone for a job then you find out all sorts of business and personal information from them in order to find out what sort of character they are. The sort of person you think they are helps you decide if they will fit a particular job. If you find out that they are a BNP activist then you may decide that such an extremist might cause conflict in a team because of their strong offensive views. If they are simply a BNP member then you might asusme that they are a sheep and they are not fit for a job which requires someone to think for themselves. In both cases you might asume they will not be able to empathize with other people.


Aside from this you also have a duty to existing and new employees. That duty might mean that anyone who is harassed by the BNP member could claim that you could have prevented it by not knowingly employing a racist.

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Aside from this you also have a duty to existing and new employees. That duty might mean that anyone who is harassed by the BNP member could claim that you could have prevented it by not knowingly employing a racist.


The mere fact that someone is a BNP member does not prove them to be a racist. Moreover, if you refused to employ them on those grounds - or if you made a point of showing them the equal-opportunities policy on those grounds, when you don't to other employees - then YOU are the one guilty of prejudice and discrimination here.

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The mere fact that someone is a BNP member does not prove them to be a racist.


but it proves that they are stupid. You'd only join a racist party if you were a racist, or if you didn't realise it was a racist party. Ergo, I wouldn't employ them.

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