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The Latest Danger to Us All.

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The recent hot weather and the question of whether men should have to wear ties at work has highlighted yet another danger that could strike us all down in our prime .

The British Medical Association said earlier this year that doctors should stop wearing " functionless " ties and white coats because they could spread deadly hospital superbugs . They went on ,

" Ties are rarely cleaned and are often worn every day "

So, we have been warned . The sooner all British men start wearing disposable t-shirts and little shorts for work , the safer we will feel all round .

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...The sooner all British men start wearing disposable t-shirts and little shorts for work , the safer we will feel all round .

Sounds to me like the BMA was just referring to medics, not all British men.


It's a good point. Something worn frequently and rarely/never washed could conceivably be a source of cross-contamination between patients.

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