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They Said The 'B' Word On Countdown!!


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Anyone see it today? Someone in dictionary corner said it. I spotted it but didn't think they would say it!!! Des Lynam said ''You shouldn't say that word any more and you should say 'love child' instead, your a complete love child!'' :hihi:


Well i was shocked anyway :o

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It’s a word that came up during the show and neither of the contestants spotted it. It’s not the first time its come up, and its been spotted by contestants in the past. I rather think Des was joking! The word is legitimate if it’s in the OED, and it is.

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There is an engineering tool called a ******* file.


As in "Where's that b*****d file?". There are also official workshop exclamations for specific mishaps. "Ooyabsssssstd!" is particularly related to the hammer, and the immovable nut, and "Eeyafka!" the screwdriver.

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